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LIFESTYLE: Tips To Help You Live a More Sustainable Life

Australia has had a tough start to 2020 and it’ll be a long time before it’s life as usual for so many. The impact of these terrible fires will be felt across the country for years to come, awith the final cost to people, communities, the environment and our unique wildlife yet to be tallied. And we’ve still got more of summer to come.

We all know it could have been so much worse without the unflinching commitment of our firies – fulltime and volunteer – to doing their very best, 24/7, to control these monster fire outbreaks. And what about the armies of selfless volunteers, more of whom appear every day to help out in small and big ways. It makes you proud to be an Aussie, and at the end of the day appreciate even more this fine country we live in.
We’re struggling to talk about holidays in Byron Bay while so many are struggling to come to terms with what’s happened to them and their environment. Rather we’re going to focus our January blogs to reminding us all – not in a preachy way – about what we can all do every day to protect this precious environment of ours. Mother Nature’s doing her bit to remind us that we’re all responsible. And yes it takes the will of pollies and an authentic bipartisan approach from them all to address the top line issues, but we all know too the power of one. We can all make a difference.
For us at The Bower we strive to make our hotel and your experience as sustainable as possible starting with solar power, proper sorting and recycling of waste, our energy consumption, saying goodbye to single-use plastics, recycling and upcycling products and so much more. We are constantly on the look out for things we can do better both at work and at home.